Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Disconnected" Reflection



            The video “Disconnected” shows how difficult a world without the use of computers or internet can be. Sure the participants in “Disconnected” cheated once or twice, but they did manage to go a long time without their computers while enduring set-backs. In the beginning of the video, Chel, Andrew, and Caitlin listed off the reasons why they use their computers daily: Moodle, YouTube, making online payments, watching movies and movie trailers, calendar, clock, calculator, social networking, and listening to music. Without the use of all of these accessories associated with computers, it is hard to imagine anyone trying out this experiment.

            Without the use of their computers, Chel, Andrew, and Caitlin had to think of other ways to communicate without the internet. They also had to handwrite all of their assignments and papers, or they had to use a typewriter. Soon, Chel found out that not everyone had the time to return his calls because they couldn’t email him. He also realized that using a typewriter was very inconvenient because he couldn’t fix spelling mistakes without starting over. Andrew spent most of his time at the library doing homework and played the banjo to keep him busy. Caitlin had to handwrite or use the typewriter for her long papers, and she kept herself busy by learning how to play the piano.

            Because this documentary got the best of them towards the end, the participants found that they couldn’t go on without checking their emails and cheated. They all had well over 200 emails to go through when they checked it after a few weeks. Caitlin said that she tried to cut back on wasting time on the internet while Andrew tried to spend more time outside than on his computer. In the end, they realized that not everyone can go without their computer. When they tried to get other students involved by having them go one day without a computer, Chel, Andrew, and Caitlin had a hard time getting participants because not everyone was willing to give the internet and their computer up.      

If I were in their situation, I wouldn’t add any more stress to my life by taking away my computer. With being a college student, my computer holds lots of information that I just can’t live without. If I were to go without my computer for as long as they did, I bet that I would have cheated and have just as many emails as they did.  Because I get so many emails a day and like to stay up to date with all of them, I would find it very difficult do commit. Though these participants are very admirable for doing this documentary, I don’t see myself doing it anytime soon.


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